HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY TO ME!! In honor of my Birthday (September 1st) I always do a Giveaway through Facebook. This year I am going to include Instagram, if I can figure it out. ;-) But in order to win anything at all, you need to follow me on social media. So LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE and follow me @wirewrapgirl on INSTAGRAM and watch out for my post! HINT: It will likely be on September 2nd since I'm vending on the 1st.
WINTERGREEN Summer's End Festival Saturday August 31st 10a-5p Sunday September 1st 10a-4p
Broadway Autumn Festival and Car Show Saturday September 14th 9a-3p
Charlottesville City Market Saturday September 21st 8a-12p
IN SPRINGHOUSE NEWS...As usual our headway in the springhouse is slow and steady. While we were gone in August my father-in-law finished mortaring around the doorway to enter the downstairs of the springhouse. They are still working on running all of the electrical circuits and putting in outlets. My father in law prefers working this time of the year as the garden and the mowing slows down and the cooler weather is good for outdoor jobs. We have taken a lot of breaks over the summer and the fall is not only back to school time for the kiddos, but my business picks up and Andrew vows to buckle down on the springhouse. I will be so happy when the seamlessly never-ending project can come to a close!