*Saturday May 11th CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY MARKET 8a-12p SPOT H-10 (I'm in the row next to SOUTH ST!)*
*Saturday May 25th 10a-5p and Sunday May 26th 10a-3p WINTERGREEN RESORT*
I have lived in the valley for 10 years now. And the beauty of the spring never ceases to amaze me. All the gorgeous flowering trees in amazing shades of pinks, purples and whites. This is a picture of our crabapple tree in full bloom. We also have other fruit trees but no redbuds, so we talked about planting some of those. Who else LOVES spring in Virginia? What an INSPIRATIONAL place to live as an artist!! I'm SO lucky!!
I have been making some new things in addition to playing catch up from a very good Maple Festival. I have so many designs floating around in my head it's kinda hard to pin them down sometimes. I have been playing with textures a bit too.

Work on the springhouse continues at a slow and steady pace. We are all happy for the nicer weather. My Father in law has been working very hard on the mortar on the outside of the foundation. This morning he was out before 8 because he was working the I left to bring the kids to school. He is so amazing and I'm in awe of his service and dedication to this project. Last time I posted that we had taken the old floorboards out. Well we have a SUB floor in. Eventually there will be a moisture barrier before we put the original old floorboards down. This is to help with the humidity since the spring is full most of the time.

Hope to see you soon!